Versatile Blogger and Sunshine Awards

Hey guys! I’m so excited about this post because over the weekend, I was nominated for not one, but two awards! It means so much to me that some of my favorite bloggers liked my blog enough to nominate me!

First was the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks so much to Boxy Foxy Beauty for nominating me!


The rules are as follows:

  • Nominate 10 fellow bloggers relatively new to blogging
  • Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself
  • Thank the blogger who has nominated you
  • Add the Versatile Award picture to your post

7 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me:

  1. I like products that smell like yummy food. One of my favorite perfumes smells like red velvet cake, cotton candy, funnel cake, kettle corn, and cocoa all mixed up in one delicious scent.
  2. Once, when I was younger, I tried to eat my bar soap because it was candy scented. FYI, it was not candy flavored.
  3. I get easily distracted by shiny things. Like glittery nail polish. One time, I walked out in the middle of traffic because I was too busy looking at my nails to notice there were cars.
  4. I’ve been a huge pokemon fan almost my whole life. My favorite pokemon are Vulpix, Zorua, Raichu, Hydreigon, and Victini.
  5. I am probably the worst chess player in the world. I’m terrible at planning out my strategy ahead of time.
  6. Sometimes (okay, most of the time) I eat Nutella and Speculoos straight out of the jar.
  7. I can’t stand when people don’t use their blinkers when they’re changing lanes on the highway.

10 Nominees:

Secondly, thanks to OohLaLaNails for nominating me for the Sunshine Award!


The rules of the Sunshine Award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Post the award logo on your blog
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 5 or more other blogs that inspire you

7 More Facts About Me:

  1. I prefer waffles to pancakes. Waffles have nice little compartments that keep the syrup evenly distributed and not drippy, whereas pancakes are just random and messy. 
  2. I’m really bad at remembering to moisturize.
  3. I just turned 21 a couple weeks ago. My boyfriend bought me my first ever (and probably also last) martini– a Bahamian.
  4. I love listening to Lady Gaga while I do my nails.
  5. One of my biggest semi-irrational fears is sharks that can walk. Think about it: you’re swimming in the ocean, when suddenly you see a fin coming toward you. You swim as fast as you can towards the shore, and actually make it there before the shark does. You breathe a sigh of relief, but then turn to see the shark emerging from the water and running across the beach with its jaws open wide, coming straight towards you.
  6. I don’t drink coffee. I don’t even like the smell of coffee. In fact, I can’t stand sitting in a room full of people with coffee because of the smell.
  7. I am scared of most bugs, but butterflies and moths in particular terrify me. I think it has something to do with how they fly in such irregular paths and you’re never sure if one might accidentally touch you.

5 Nominees: